January 8, 2015

“40 Hours” Bill Would Harm Workers

The Save American Workers Act is misleadingly named legislation that would actually do great harm to working men and women.

There is no doubt that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created an incentive for employers to cut their workers’ hours below 30 to avoid paying a penalty.

But instead of fixing this loophole, the Save American Workers Act would reduce the number of people receiving employment-based health care and allow employers to get off scot free for failing to cover those who work between 30 and 39 hours a week. In addition, it would put three times as many workers in danger of having their hours cut.

The underlying issue would be best addressed by passing the Part-Time Worker Bill of Rights which would penalize employers under the ACA for failing to provide health care to part-timers and end the incentive for cutting hours. Unfortunately, that bill has not had a single hearing.

Members of Congress should oppose this legislation and if it reaches President Obama’s desk, he should veto it.