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July 27, 2007

House Democrats Betray American Consumers

Washington, DC – Despite recent food safety outbreaks, House Democrats betrayed American consumers last night when they added a provision to the Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) that effectively weakens food safety standards and increases the risk of food-borne illness in the U.S.

The bill’s provision allow the vast majority of meat and poultry plants to forgo federal inspection in favor of more lax state inspection—which ultimately risks the health and safety of consumers. The provision eliminates a 40-year old protection in the federal meat and poultry inspection acts that ban shipping state-inspected meat to other states, as individual states do not have the full capacity to implement and track recalls of tainted meat and poultry across state lines. Furthermore, the USDA Office of the Inspector General recently reported that plants subjected to state inspection are not as clean and sanitary as federally inspected plants. Last fall, the OIG released an audit of state inspection that included stomach-turning examples of state programs that failed to meet basic sanitation requirements and were not held accountable for protecting public health.

“It’s a sham to pretend that state inspection systems are equal to federal inspection systems,” said Michael J. Wilson, International Vice President and Director of Legislative and Political Action for the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. “A public discussion of this issue would have prevented this betrayal and protected American consumers.”

This particular provision was added by the House Agriculture Committee without public hearings and was agreed to by some state officials and food processors. Consumer and public health experts who had concerns about the increased risk of food borne illness because of this provision were shut out of the discussion.

Supporters of the state-inspected meat provision justified it as a way to allow smaller plants to compete in the market. This ignores the fact that thousands of small plants currently thrive under federal inspection by complying with higher food safety standards while also making a profit.

The UFCW is a founding member of the Safe Food Coalition, which consists of consumer groups, groups representing victims of food borne illness, and watchdog groups dedicated to reducing the incidence of  food borne illness in the U.S.


July 23, 2007


6 febrero de 2007





Declaración ante la prensa en apoyo a la Employee Free Choice Act


Me llamo José Guardado y laboré por ocho años en la planta empacadora Nebraska Beef, en Omaha, Nebraska. Trabajaba en la sección de piso donde se sacrifica a los animales, a donde nos llegaban hasta 2,500 reses al día.

Vine a este país persiguiendo al sueño americano. Pensé que el en país más poderoso del mundo, los trabajadores podían expresarse libremente. Pensé que la ley protegía a los trabajadores que quieren formar una unión. Me equivoqué. En lugar de ello, me encontré que los patrones pueden violar las leyes, abusar de los trabajadores y acallar sus voces, y nadie hace nada para detenerlos.

Mis compañeros y yo queríamos tener una unión en el trabajo para oponernos a las condiciones de trabajo peligrosas, a la falta de respeto y los tratos abusivos. Todos firmamos tarjetas mostrando nuestro apoyo a la UFCW.

La ley no fue suficiente para detener la campaña que la empresa inició contra nosotros. La empresa aterró a los trabajadores que defendían sus derechos. Amenazaron con despedir a los trabajadores que apoyaran la unión, de llamar a la autoridad migratoria y deportar a las personas de origen latino y amenazaron con cerrar la planta. Prometieron reducir la velocidad de la línea y tratarnos mejor. El día de la votación la Nebraska Beef trajo un montón de trabajadores de otra empresa para que votaran contra la unión.

Los trabajadores tenían temor, nadie quería perder su empleo. La empresa ganó la votación por una diferencia muy pequeña. Volvieron a acelerar la línea y a nadie se le dio lo prometido.

Después, Nebraska Beef comenzó a despedir a cuantos apoyaban la unión. Sabía que estaban vigilando y esperando a que cometiera un error, por lo que puse mucho cuidado, sin embargo, la empresa me despidió. Mi seguro expiró semanas antes que me despidieran por lo que tuve que pagar mil dólares de mi bolsa para consultar el médico y pagar medicamentos. Mientras tanto la empresa restó 20 dólares de cada uno de mis tres últimos cheques de pago por concepto de seguro de salud, un seguro del cual carecía.

Esta empresa me arrebató los medios para ganarme la vida y lastimó a mi familia nada más para evitar que organizáramos una unión. Muchos otros trabajadores fueron despedidos o renunciaron porque tenían temor.

A la fecha, las y los trabajadores de la Nebraska Beef sufren de tratos abusivos e indignos, los mismos que existían antes de iniciar la campaña a favor de una unión. Se sigue amenazando y despidiendo a los trabajadores y no hay forma de tener una votación justa.

Necesitamos esta ley para proteger los derechos de las y los trabajadores. Necesitamos esta ley para ayudar a las y los trabajadores que quieren condiciones de trabajo más seguras y una vida mejor con la representación de la unión.


La UFCW representa 1.4 millones de trabajadoras y trabajadores, 250 mil en las industrias empacadora y productos avícolas. Las y los afiliados a la UFCW también trabajan en el sector de atención a la salud, la industria de la confección, productos químicos, destilerías y ventas al menudeo. 

July 18, 2007


Community-Worker Solidarity, Regional And National Support Win The Fight For Quality, Affordable Health Care And A Living Wage For All Workers

Washington, DC—Last night, over 60,000 grocery workers in Southern California represented by United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) reached a tentative agreement with the country’s largest supermarkets: Kroger, Safeway, and Supervalu.

Details of the contract will be available Monday after workers vote on whether to ratify the agreement on Sunday, July 22.

Southern California UFCW members had the support of community and religious leaders, shoppers, sister unions and UFCW members nationwide throughout the six months of negotiations in their effort to gain improved health care coverage and fair wages.

“This contract goes a long way in maintaining good jobs with health care, wages that pay the bills, and a loyal productive workforce in the grocery industry that is good for workers, communities, and businesses,” said UFCW International President Joe Hansen.

Throughout the negotiations process, UFCW members demonstrated solidarity and strength in bargaining for a fair contract. Seven UFCW locals in Southern California all worked together in bargaining and coordinating campaign actions and strategies.

Coordinated action with supporters and customers played a pivotal role in gaining a positive settlement. Union members, community members, religious groups, grocery workers, and supporters knocked on thousands of doors, handed out flyers, sent emails and letters of support, wrote editorials, attended rallies and marches, spoke out in churches, and signed pledge cards supporting UFCW members.

The coordinated effort in Southern California is part of a UFCW nationwide unity bargaining program. By supporting each other regionally and nationally, as well as engaging customers and community members in their struggle, grocery workers are improving grocery industry jobs for themselves and their communities.

To learn more about other bargaining campaigns, go to: www.groceryworkersunited.org.

July 11, 2007


Washington, D.C.—The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) announced, today, that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents made a return visit to four Swift and Company plants where workers are represented by the UFCW and arrested approximately four individuals apparently on charges of identity theft, as well as questioning several others.

It does not appear that ICE engaged in the same level of intimidation and overkill as they did in its raids last December at six Swift plants. To the extent this is the case, the UFCW supports law enforcement efforts that abide by the law and respect the rights of workers.

Worksite law enforcement around identity and immigration issues is a symptom of a failed immigration system, and is no substitute for comprehensive reform.

Last month, Congress failed to demonstrate the necessary leadership and persistence to fix our broken system. The UFCW will continue to fight for reform that ensures that all working people—immigrant and native-born—are able to improve their lives and realize the American dream.

For the UFCW position on immigration go to www.ufcw.org and click on issues.

July 3, 2007


(Toledo, Ohio)—Grocery workers in Toledo, Ohio, represented by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Union Local 911, won a lengthy negotiations battle when they voted yesterday to ratify a three-year contract agreement securing affordable, quality health care and wages that workers can raise a family on.

The Toledo workers stood together through long, tough negotiations with the Kroger Company, and held firm in their resolve to preserve affordable health care and living wages for all Kroger workers.  They were successful, and agreed to a contract including:

  • wage increases over the length of the contract between $1.00 and $1.65 per hour;
  • shorter waiting periods for health care coverage;
  • increased pension contributions for a secure retirement; and
  • increased vacation leave for employees.

Throughout the negotiations process, UFCW members demonstrated solidarity and strength in bargaining for a fair contract. Coordinated action with supporters and customers was also key to the workers’ success. Community members, supporters and grocery workers sent emails of support, held a press conference for Kroger workers, sent emails to Kroger CEO David Dillon, and signed petitions in support of a fair contract.

The coordinated effort in Toledo is part of a UFCW nationwide bargaining unity program. By supporting each other regionally and nationally, as well as engaging customers and community members in their struggle, grocery workers are improving grocery industry jobs for themselves and their communities. To learn more about the Toledo contract and other bargaining campaigns, go to: www.groceryworkersunited.org.

June 25, 2007


(Houston, Tex.)—This weekend, grocery workers in Houston and Dallas represented by United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local Unions 540, 455, and 408 achieved a solid victory when they overwhelmingly voted to ratify a three-year contract agreement securing affordable, quality health care.

With the support of community and religious leaders, shoppers and UFCW members nationwide, Texas workers held firm in their resolve to improve health care funding, quality, and cost for all Kroger workers.  They achieved their aims in a contract with:

  • adequate health and welfare funding for the length of the contract;
  • wage increases up to as much as $3/hr over the contract;
  • increased vacation, with more flexibility; and
  • improved pension security.

Kroger also provided a letter of commitment which guarantees adequate resources in the health and welfare fund, in addition to which the company promises to add up to $1.4 million if necessary.  The level of funding in the health and welfare fund was one of the primary concerns for workers during contract negotiations.“Workers are pleased with the contract,” said Chad Young, UFCW International Vice President and Region Director.  “We’re certain that the funding will be secure for quality, affordable health care.”
Throughout the negotiations process, UFCW members demonstrated solidarity and strength in bargaining for a fair contract. Coordinated action with supporters and customers was also key to the workers’ success. Community members and grocery workers sent emails of support, attended a rally for Kroger workers, sent emails to Kroger CEO David Dillon, and signed pledge cards supporting Kroger employees.

The coordinated effort in Houston and Dallas is part of a UFCW nationwide bargaining unity program. By supporting each other regionally and nationally, as well as engaging customers and community members in their struggle, grocery workers are improving grocery industry jobs for themselves and their communities. To learn more about the Texas contracts and other bargaining campaigns, go to: www.groceryworkersunited.org.

June 23, 2007


(Houston, Tex.) – Members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Locals 455, 408 and 540 in Houston and Dallas have reached tentative agreements with Kroger that protects affordable health care for workers and their families.

Workers and community supporters made their voices heard that securing reliable health care benefits for hourly wage earners was non-negotiable.   Kroger heard that message loud and clear, especially in the form of customer and community support for Kroger workers.

The tentative agreement provides secure funding levels for health care benefits so that workers and their families can be assured that they will not face unexpected cuts to coverage.  More details will be made available after UFCW members have an opportunity to discuss and vote on the proposals.  The bargaining committees from all three local unions are recommending that members approve the agreement.

Workers will be voting on the proposals during meetings on Saturday and Sunday in both Houston and Dallas.  If approved, the three-year contract will take affect immediately.

For updates on voting times and locations, log on to the local union websites – www.ufcw455.org, www.ufcw408.org and www.ufcw540.org

June 21, 2007


Participants in
 Houston Press Conference today will Rally and Walk the Block to Let Community Members Know About Kroger’s Plans to “Wal-Mart-ize” Health Care

HOUSTON–United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 408 and 455 members working at Kroger stores in the Houston area will join with local community leaders and supporters today in asking Kroger to stop attacking workers’ health care. A press conference will be held at 3:00 p.m., at the Kroger Store, 10306 S. Post Oak Rd., (just outside of the 610 S. Loop) in Houston, and will be followed by a neighborhood walk to let community members know about Kroger’s greed.

Joining Houston Kroger workers at the press conference and rally will be prominent community and religious leaders, including representatives from the Houston Interfaith Workers Justice Center, ACORN, the Coalition for Workers and the Poor, LCLAA, and the Latino Labor Council, as well the President and Secretary Treasurer of the Harris County AFL-CIO, the President of the of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute, the President of the Houston NAACP Branch, and other supporters and community activists.

This broad coalition of community and religious supporters are standing with Kroger workers for affordable health care. With Kroger’s latest contract offer, workers will be forced to choose between paying the electric bill and taking their children to the doctor.

Meanwhile, Kroger continues to be the most successful company in the industry, with rising profits and growing market share—and throughout contract negotiations the company has refused to share any of that success with the workers who made it possible.

Houston community members don’t believe that people who go to work everyday should have to rely on public assistance for health care coverage, or that Kroger should be allowed to shift their health care costs to local taxpayers like Wal-Mart does. Please join Houston community leaders and workers in saying “no” to Kroger’s attacks on employee health care and the community.

Members throughout the country are unified in a nationwide movement to improve jobs in the grocery industry for workers, families, and communities.   For more on UFCW negotiations across the country, please visit the Grocery Workers United website at: www.groceryworkersunited.org.

June 20, 2007


Washington, DC—The immigration debate should focus on worker issues, according to United Food and Commercial Workers International President, Joseph T. Hansen.  Hansen joined Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard L. Trumpka, and Ed Sullivan, president of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, at a press conference this afternoon that focused on how the proposed immigration bill could hurt workers in the U.S. and abroad.

The following may be attributed to Joe Hansen:

“At its core, the immigration debate is about workers, because immigration is fueled by jobs. But the Senate Bill relegates all workers—immigrant and native born—to second-class status. The bill’s new and expanded guestworker program opens the door, especially in low-wage sectors, to worker abuse and exploitation. The facts are undeniable. Guestworker programs create an underclass of workers. They create a culture in which people believe that a person’s race, color, or national origin relegates them to a life of low-paying, no-future jobs. And, they provide employers license to deny full workplace rights and protections.”

“American democracy works because it is inclusive. But guestworker programs permanently exclude people who contribute to our economic well being from participating in our democratic process. Approximately 12 million undocumented workers who go to work every day, pay taxes, and contribute to their communities remain on the edge of hope. They need a realistic path to fully participate in our democratic system and to achieve the American Dream.”

“Touchback requirements, unaffordable fines and complicated filing requirements in the current bill will leave too many workers in the shadows—and simply make our already broken system worse. We are a nation that values families. We cannot allow a point-system that would keep families apart or favor one family ahead of others. We must craft real immigration reform that helps turn that hope into reality for all workers, new immigrant and native-born.”

June 15, 2007


Washington, DC—Grocery workers represented by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local Union 455 gave notice to the Kroger Company today that they will no longer extend their contract with the company.

In Houston, where 12,700 workers are involved in negotiations with Kroger, UFCW members already voted to authorize a strike against the supermarket company last month. Houstonworkers have been joined in solidarity by their brothers and sisters in UFCW Dallas Local 540, who also voted to authorize a strike against the Kroger Company.

UFCW Local 540 is not operating under any contract extension, and Local 408 in Houstonhas already terminated their contract extension with Kroger.

UFCW members working in the grocery industry across the country are involved in negotiations with successful employers like Kroger.   They are unified in a nationwide movement to improve jobs in the industry for workers, families, and communities.

For more on UFCW negotiations across the country, please visit the Grocery Workers United website at www.groceryworkersunited.org.